Honey Varieties

Used for millennia in everything from Egyptian embalming to sweetening tea, honey is an essential ingredient for many in their health, food, and beauty routines. While it is easy to pick up a jar of honey at the local grocery store that was produced on the other side of the country, did you know that where honey is from can affect its taste and benefits?

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Packaging Trends in the Cannabis Industry

The cannabis industry has evolved significantly over the past decade, with rapid growth in both consumer demand and regulatory frameworks. One area that has seen notable change is packaging, particularly in the choice between glass and plastic. Packaging is crucial for ensuring product safety, maintaining freshness, and complying with local laws, but it also plays a pivotal role in branding and sustainability. As the cannabis market continues to mature, we know businesses are increasingly focused on finding the right packaging solutions that align with both consumer expectations and environmental concerns.

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Lab Bottles, Jars, and Vials

When you think of lab bottles, jars, and vials, the first thing that probably comes to mind is a sterile, scientific environment—beakers filled with chemicals, test tubes containing precise formulas, and glass vials holding important specimens. However, our labware items are not just reserved for scientists and researchers; they also offer practical solutions for small business owners, hobbyists, and homeowners looking for durable and versatile storage solutions.

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Corks: Bartop And Wine Corks

You spend a lot of time ensuring your wine and spirit products are brewed to perfection. Make sure to top them off with the right cork. Quality wine corks and bar top corks ensure your product is preserved appropriately and breathes as needed, so when your customers pop open a bottle, the flavor is at its peak. Our natural disk wine corks are perfect for both aged and young wines. Since it is a natural cork the wine is able to breathe and age appropriately to bring out enhanced flavoring. Our quality disk wine corks provide a better seal when compared to agglomerate corks and will not fall apart when stored for long periods of time. If you are looking to bottle spirits, liquors, or fortified wines check out our selection of synthetic bar top stoppers. With a smooth, quality plastic top, your product is sure to stand out amongst others. Bar top stoppers are ideal when your product is ready to immediate consumption as they allow the bottle to be easily opened and closed.

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